Dear Healthcare Practitioners: All orders will be shipped Monday thru Thursday for overnight delivery. For same day shipping, please place your order no later than 1PM PST. At this time, we will not be shipping international orders. For Canadian orders, Veterinarians only, please contact us about shipping to the US/Canadian border. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Biotherapy Links and Community Resources

Monarch Labs is committed to providing support and resources related to biotherapy. Below are some external resources that you might find helpful.

Media and internet postings:

A collection of articles and medical news that discuss maggot therapy and its benefits:

(Each article title would be hyperlinked to its respective URL)

  1. Maggots Faster Than Scalpel in Wound Debridement, by Emma Hitt, PhD. Medscape Medical News, December 19, 2011.
  2. Maggot Therapy May Assist in Wound Healing, by Denise Mann. WebMD Health News, December 19, 2011.
  3. Maggot Debridement Promotes Healing of Long-Standing Wounds, by D. Keller. Medscape Medical News, September 28, 2011.
  4. Grubs up. By Hugh Wilson; The Independent (March 1, 2005)
  5. Leeches, maggots and parasitic worms can play healing role By Carol M. Ostrom; Seattle Times staff reporter (August 04, 2004). 
  6. Medieval Miracle Workers – Are Maggots Making a Medical Comeback? By Jennifer Wenger; NIH Record, July 20, 2004; Vol. LVI, No. 15
  7. Tiny surgeons: Maggot therapy clears the dead tissue cleanly, by Christopher Snowbeck, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 13, 2004.
  8. Maggots and leeches: Good medicine By Rita Rubin, USA TODAY, July 7. 2004. 
  9. Maggots Best in Debriding Nonhealing Ulcers, by Laurie Barclay, MD. Medscape Medical News, January 31, 2003
  10. BBC News (Maggot medicine gains popularity; April 6, 2002 
  11. BBC News (Doctor! There’s a maggot in my wound; 3/6/99) 
  12. BBC News (Maggot Cure for ‘Unbeatable’ Bug; 3/19/99) 
  13. CNN Online (10/20/97)

Publications & Clinical Studies:

The place to begin your search is at our Bibliography page.

Therapist Referrals:

If you are looking for a therapist to evaluate your wound for maggot therapy, first ask your current physician or surgeon. S/he knows you already, and can provide local care and follow-up. Your current doctor or wound care therapist may already have experience with maggot therapy. Even if not, the procedure is simple enough that most licensed therapists can do it their first time with ease.

If you still do not find a therapist in your area, you may contact us directly. Sorry, we cannot post the names of therapists or their contact information, without their permission.

We are here to help!

Don’t forget – if you have any other questions that have not already been addressed elsewhere on our website, then just contact us!